Header (big, 2020)


MADE LABS is the educational initiative conceived by MADE Program (www.madeprogram.it), the brand new project of the “Rosario Gagliardi” Academy of Fine Arts, Syracuse (Sicily). This fourth edition of MADE LABS, curated by Studio Formafantasma and Moncada Rangel Architects, includes twelve days of 5-day workshops and lectures, led by world-renowned creative professionals and addressed to designers, architects and artists who are curious about new developments in their fields.


At The Fine Arts Academy of Syracuse – MADE Program
Via Cairoli, 20 – 96100 Syracuse – Italy
Some workshops and lectures will take place in other venues in the city.
Clic here for maps
Clic here for indications


MADE LABS will happen from the 20th.JULY to the 1st.AUGUST

Who can partecipate?

MADE LABS is open to students as well as professionals worldwide.


The tuition language will be English.

Visa requirements?

Participants who require a visa for Italy are responsible for obtaining this visa in time.


Participants should bring their own lap-top computers. WLAN is freely available. Please ensure that all your equipment is covered by your insurance.

Students and guests in the sea...



Made Labs are conceived as "high-intensity" labs. A unique formula that combines workshops and lectures under the guidance of important personalities in the world of design and architecture.


During the days of workshops and lectures, Made Labs will gather in one place prominent designers, architects and artists, coming from all over the world.


Made Labs will take place in the unique city of Syracuse, Sicily. Specifically in the ancient heart of the town, the island of Ortigia, a location where the remains of ancient history are the backdrop for daily life.


According to MADE Program philosophy, we have done our best to make a top-level educational experience affordable and accessible to as many people as possibile.


Upon successful completion of each workshop (35 hours of classes), MADE Program will issue 3 ECTS credits that can be transferred at the option of each student’s home University.



Thinking beyond abundance

The word crisis comes from the Greek Krisis, meaning choice, decision. The scarcity of resources and the environmental disaster upon us ask for an urgent and radical rethinking of the design disciplines. Educated in a world of abundance and infinite possibilities, as designers and architects we are now asked to make more considered choices in the use and sourcing of materials, in the production processes we use and in the ways we apply our design skills. Learning to love and to strive for scarcity might be the best way to help us radically rethink the ways we, as humans, inhabit planet Earth. In fact, limitations often prove to be the most favorable ground for the development of new disruptive ideas. Starting from an exceptional island like Sicily, which combines breathtaking landscapes and historical architecture with equally overwhelming deficiencies in services and management of human and natural resources, we would like to propose with this year's Made Labs a reformulation of preconceived positions on design and architecture in the light of the idea of Scarcity, in the attempt to learn to love and live in these troubled times.


1st slot

5-day workshop


25.JULY, 08:00 p.m.

Beatrice Galilee

Nacho Alegre
Carolien Niebling
Sissel Tolaas

(open to the city)

Free day: 22.JULY

Final presentation: 25.JULY morning

2nd slot

5-day workshop


27.JULY, 08:00 p.m.

Giovanna Borasi
Beatrice Leanza

Matilde Cassani
Jan De Vylder
Kostas Lambridis

(open to the city)

Free day: 29.JULY

Final presentation: 1.AUGUST morning


A random interview from the previous editions. (All the interviews are here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Some photos from the past editions

Disegno ad absurdum

Design balneare

International waters

City as a stage

The caring city

A succulent voyage

The Baths

Teach yourself exile

The ear of Salvini

Prepare yourself for the unexpected

Through your eyes


Tribute to Jasper Maskelyne and the Magic Gang

Ultra_authentic ultramarino

The second Chimæra

Vernacular tourism

Deconstructing Reconstruction

Museification versus Life

Apply here

We are sorry, service temporarily unavailable, for info contact madelabs@madeprogram.it

2017 edition

2018 edition

2019 edition

Ribbon 2020